State of Illinois


Illinois Supreme Court Commission on Pretrial Practices Final Report Makes Recommendations to Improve Pretrial System Accountability, but Offers Few Specifics on Pretrial Data Collection

A Commission of the Illinois Supreme Court tasked with making recommendations for comprehensive pretrial reform in Illinois released its final report earlier this month.…


How Will CARES Act Funding Be Divided Among Illinois and its Local Governments?

The $2.2 trillion economic relief legislation passed by Congress in late March contains significant new funding for States and large local governments. Exactly how…


Income Tax Delay Could Boost Illinois’ Bill Backlog

Like most states that levy income taxes, Illinois has followed the federal government in…


How COVID-19 is Impacting Chicago’s Criminal Justice System and How Public Safety Agencies are Responding


Civic Federation Research on the Fiscal Impact of COVID-19


What Limitations do States Face in Addressing a Coronavirus Pandemic Recession?

States are currently facing monumental fiscal challenges posed by the economic and revenue impacts of the coronavirus pandemic. However, their ability to use fiscal policies to address these challenges is quite limited due to structural…


Individual Income Tax Structures in Selected States


New Report Shows Potential Virus Impact on Illinois Tax Revenues


Trends in Illinois Department of Corrections Spending and Prison Population

Throughout the United States there is a…


Graduated Income Tax Proposal Part II: A Guide to the Illinois Plan

As Illinois voters head to the polls for next week’s Presidential primary, this blog post looks at another major choice that will be on the general election ballot in November: whether to replace the State’s flat-rate income tax with a…