Event Detail

Civic Federation 2011 Annual Meeting

Event on November 10, 2011

The annual meeting of the Civic Federation Board of Directors, generously hosted by Northern Trust, served as a welcome to new members as well as an opportunity to discuss the Federation’s many accomplishments in 2011.

The special guest speaker for the meeting was State of Illinois Treasurer Dan Rutherford, who discussed his work to reduce expenditures and introduce efficiencies into his office’s operations. He also emphasized the importance of pension reform, saying that the State would likely not restore fiscal solvency without making some hard decisions on State employee pensions. He then answered a series of questions from members.

Civic Federation Treasurer Joseph Starshak received the Abel E. Berland Award for Exemplary and Outstanding Service to the Civic Federation of Chicago, which is awarded biennially. Mr. Starshak, Principal at Starshak Winzenburg & Co., has served on the Federation Board of Directors for 30 years and been the Federation’s treasurer for 11 years. He has guided the Federation’s finances with a steady hand through both good economic times and bad and has also served many Chicago-area organizations including the Lyric Opera Guild Board and the Chicago Board of Health. Past Civic Federation Chairman Thomas McNulty thanked Mr. Starshak for his enthusiasm and dedication and presented him with the Abel E. Berland Award, a print depicting the rebuilding efforts immediately following the Great Chicago Fire of 1871.

The Civic Federation would like to thank Board Member Allan Ambrose and Northern Trust for hosting the 117th Civic Federation Annual Meeting.

(L to R) Civic Federation President Laurence Msall, Mary Clare Starshak, Civic Federation Treasurer Joseph Starshak, State of Illinois Treasurer Dan Rutherford and Civic Federation Chairman Thomas Livingston.

State of Illinois Treasurer Dan Rutherford addresses the audience as (L to R) Civic Federation President Laurence Msall, Civic Federation Chairman Thomas Livingston and Past Civic Federation Chairman Thomas McNulty look on.

Civic Federation Legislative Committee Chair Eileen Mitchell, Managing VP of External Affairs & Government Relations and Chief of Staff at AT&T Illinois, describes the Federation’s legislative successes in the past year.